Be SpectACTive! Challenging Participation in Performing Arts
Editors: Lluís Bonet, Giada Calvano, Luisella Carnelli, Félix Dupin-Meynard, Emmanuel Négrier.
This book traces a collective adventure, that of Be Spect- ACTive!, a European project that has set itself the challenge of experimenting, in the performing arts sector, the active participa- tion of spectators in artistic choices and in creation processes. In another book entitled Breaking the Fourth Wall (Bonet and Négrier, 2018a), we presented various theories on the participation issues. They concern different aspects of the theme, such as: the reasons why today a “participatory turn” is being witnessed; the debates it provokes within the cultural and artistic circles, and within the academic world; the different forms that participation can take in the cultural sector.