Next June 25 at 10:30 a.m. (CEST) Adeste + will hold a Webinar in collaboration with the European Theater Convention (ETC)Next June 25 at 10:30 a.m. (CEST) Adeste + will hold a Webinar in collaboration with the European Theater Convention (ETC) . In this Webinar we are going to study the process, case presentations and relevant questions. This is a hands-on program of capacity building workshops specifically aimed at developing the creation, prototyping and testing of concrete Audience Development projects as enablers of tangible organisational changein the relationship between organisations and their publics.

Speakers will be Alessandra Gariboldi from Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Antonija Letinic from Kultura Nova, Lorenzo Barello from Teatro Stabile di Torino and Charlotte Kjær from Norrebro Teater.

ACED, as a process, is Designed to be Centred on Audiences’ Experiences. It strives to reach the real people behind the hard data, replacing abstract data points with a tangible connection to real human beings. Its approach is from Design Thinking:
• Focus on achievable goals
• Encourages risk taking – “Fail fast, fail cheap”
• Encourages non-linear thinking
• It’s a relational process
• Challenges assumptions
• Doesn’t replace but integrates other competences
The webinars will be structured as an 1 hour online presentation of the process, methodology and case-studies, followed by an opportunity to meet and talk with our different partners in smaller groups in online breakout rooms. All together the webinars will last for 2 hours.

Finally, ETC Network has opened registration for everyone.


Adeste + invites you to a webinar about  Audience Centred Experience Design. Jun 25, 2021 10:30 AM Rome

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.







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