The #ACED methodology has been presented in Copenhagen. The research made by #Adesteplus on innovation and cultural organizations has highlighted the importance of developing within the organization the change that is desired to be seen outside, among its users, interested parties and visitors. Our project leader, Alessandra Gariboldi, has highlighted that “cultural citizenship is our objective and cultural participation is our challenge”.

#ACED is a process co-created and tested with cultural institutions to give people a greater say in what they do, designing experiences that resonate with the public and make the most of their team’s creativity. Here you can know about the methodology.

To encourage audience-centric cultural organization across Europe, the Adeste+ Consortium have researched and ideated a methodology (ACED) to support cultural organisations. The path to get here has been a combination of work, experience and reflection from all actors involved in the process and in the community, which is a mix of knowledge partners, artistic partners, and policy makers.

In order to give free access and disseminate the knowledge built through the action research process, the Adeste+ communication team has created a repository to assure open access to the legacy of the project.








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